RDH Under One Roof Extended March 2025 - Course Evaluation

Thanks for attending RDH Under One Roof Extended! To receive your CE certificates, please follow the directions below:

  1. Enter your name and email address below, then select the session title and enter the Claim Credit Code. (Claim credit codes are case sensitive. Please enter only enter capital letters and numbers.)
  2. Complete the course evaluation and click ‘Submit’.
  3. Once submitted, you will receive your certificate via email. The certificate will also be accessible from your DACE dashboard. Please note it may take up to one business day to process your certificates. If you do not receive your certificates, please contact us at dace@endeavorb2b.com.

IMPORTANT: It may take several seconds to process your submission. Please do not refresh or navigate away from the page until the process is complete.

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Thank you for completing the evaluation. Your certificate will be delivered to your email inbox within 24 hours.